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Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Corinthians 13:13- And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

We need to know that faith, hope and love work together. We have to understand that without hope we cannot have faith and without love both faith and hope doesn't work powerfully in our life.

If we have hope of great things and do not have faith it will not work. If we have faith and we are not hoping anything it will not work. If we have faith and hope and do not have love it is like we have nothing.

Greatest of Faith, hope and love is love, so we have to use every opportunity we get to love the broken, depressed, sick, enemies, those who hate us, those who persecute us and also those who gossip about us.

We think by telling good morning or good night or praise the Lord or any other things we show our love to others but the truth is that is not love but affection. Affection we show towards a person depends on that person's goodness and once the same person does something to hurt us our affection towards that person stops, but love is not depending on persons goodness but if we are filled with love of God then surely we will be able to love everyone as they are.

By loving others as they are will help us to grow strong in our spiritual journey and also by loving others as they are we obey the commandment given to us by Jesus.

Date: 25: 09:2019.

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