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Monday, September 2, 2019

CATHOLIC SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION DAILY -- BY ROVAN PINTO. Word of God clearly says in job 3:25- Truly the thing that I fear comes u

Word of God clearly says in job 3:25- Truly the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me.

We have to understand that every one of us who is not perfected in love will be going through one or different kinds of fear.

Many have fear about their studies, many have fear of people, many have fear of their future, many have fear of their finances, many have fear of health and most of them have fear of death.

Reason for all this fear is our ignorance towards the Word of God. If we do not make our firm commitment to learn and grow in the Word of God then surely we will be victims of one or the other types of fear.

God's word clearly says in 1 John 4:18- There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love.

We have to be perfected in love to be fearless in every situation and we cannot be perfected in love when we are filled with selfish desires.

We have to make every effort to grow in love and practice loving everyone as they are and not as we want to. 

We have to accept every person as they are as God has accepted as we are. To love someone who hate us is a uphill task for us but with help of God we can love people who hate us same like people who love us.

Let's grow in love so that one day we will be perfected in love and when we are perfected in love we will be free from every fear.

Date: 02:09:2019.

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