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Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17- All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.

We all go to church daily,weekly and listen to the Word of God and come back and do the same things we were doing before going to church, because of this habit no matter how many times we go to church and listen sermon, many of us have either not understood the power of scripture or we just be in habitual bondage of going and coming as we go to market.

We need to understand that God has given His Word for 4 purposes.

1. TEACHING - we all because of lack of knowledge commit sin and live a life of slavery. Once we read and memorize the scripture we will gain knowledge and give up comiting sins.

2. REPROOF- scripture convinces us that truth cannot be changed but we need to change ourself as quick as possible according to the scripture.

3. CORRECTION - scriptures when we read we will understand all the wrongs we are doing, If we are alert we can find the wrong we are doing and correct ourself according to the scripture.

4. TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS- When we start doing right by obeying the scripture we will be growing in righteousness. We have to make commitment and effort to memorize at least 1 scripture a day so that by one year we will be knowing 365 scripture. 

Without scripture teaching us ,reproofing us, correcting us and also training us in righteousness,we cannot be fully equipped to defeat the works of enemy and when we are fully equipped with the power of scriptures we are going be ready every day to do good to others we know and also the ones we don't know personally.

Date: 18:09:2019.

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