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Friday, September 20, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 3:2- Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

We all pray, go for Holy mass, blessed sacrament, confession and retreats. We also hear the Word of God through different sources.

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are repenting for all the sins we were committing and correcting wrongs we were doing.

If we are not repenting then surely no matter how many years we are in prayers our life will not experience total conversion from sin to Grace.

We all get fed up at one or the other point in our life with the sins we are committing and wrongs we are doing. We do resolutions that I will not commit this sin or do that wrong and end up doing the same thing again.

We have to start focusing on Jesus and His Word 
and stop talking or thinking about sin then surely there is no chance to commit sin. Repentance means turning our face to Jesus and turning our back to sin.

Repenting for our sins and wrong doings will not happen overnight like magic but it will take years of commitment, effort and dedication to repent for all the sins of our past and also our wrongdoings.

Without repenting for our sins we cannot rejoice in every situation and also we cannot be free from fear and also we cannot enjoy the life of abundance promised to us by God.

Entire heaven rejoices over 1 sinner who repents and without comming to realisation of our sins and wrong doings we cannot repent.

Date: 20:09:2019.

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