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Saturday, September 21, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Ecclesiastes 3:14- I know that whatever God does endures forever; 

We have to understand that God has built His house( Churches, retreat centers, ministries or any religious organization). He has also chosen and anointed various priests, nuns, preachers and religious to do His work.

Whenever a person is set free from bondage or healed from sickness or any other big miracles happen in the house of God or through His Chosen ones, devil will create a group of people to criticize or false accuse either the chosen person or the house of God.

God has clearly given us indication through His Word that persecution or false accusations are bound to come either to the house of God or His chosen people,  because devil is losing souls daily because of  God's chosen people or because of the house of God. That's why devil will try to bring such a opposition to make everyone feel that  everything will come to an end in a matter of time but God always is on time to save His house or His chosen people.

Whatever God has created will endure forever,no matter how powerful people come against the House of God or His chosen people they cannot touch either the house of God or His chosen people because God is in control and He will Protect everything He has built and also protect His chosen people from every dangers.

We have to be united in prayer other than that we can do nothing and we have to let God do the best for HIS House or His Chosen people.

Date: 21:09:2019.

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