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Monday, September 30, 2019


Word of God clearly says in John 6:53- So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 

As Catholics we are participating in the Holy mass daily or weekly. The very important question we need to ask ourself is whether we come to Holy mass before time.

Some of us come to Holy mass after the blessing, some come after the reading, some come after the sermon and some arrive just few moments before Eucharist. We need to understand if we reach to the holy mass after Gloria we have missed the holy mass hence we cannot receive the holy Eucharist. 

Many of us come even in the end and receive Holy communion which is absolutely wrong. We have to understand that Holy Eucharist is not a eating thing but Jesus. 

When we receive Jesus we have to receive Him in a worthy manner or else every time we receive Jesus in a unworthy manner we will be not receiving Jesus but judgement.

We have to examine ourself and if we are in the state of mortal sin we should not receive communion because if we receive communion we will be committing sin of sacrilege and if we die in the state of sacrilege then we will be doomed to hell.

Without Eucharist we do not have life. Let's make a commitment to examine ourself and then receive Holy eucharist in a worthy manner.

Saint Maxmillan Kolbe says : If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy communion.

Date: 30:09:2019.

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