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Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Word of God clearly says in psalm 100:5- For the Lord is good;his steadfast love endures forever,and his faithfulness to all generations.

God is always good to us and God is the source of all good we speak or deeds we do. We might have questions in our minds about why bad is happening to us.

God is not responsible for every bad which is happening to us but we are responsible because of sowing wrong seeds and also taking wrong decision which has led us to reap wrong harvest in our life.

When we are reaping wrong harvest also God in His great mercy uses all the bad happening to us to work something good through it. Though this we will  understand God's love for us even when we are not with Him.

God has spoken His Word from the beginning so that we may speak the same word again and again and get benefited out of it in our life. God is faithful to His Word and His faithfulness has started from Adam and eve and its continuing till date.

Whatever God has spoken in His Word that He will do for us, He will surely do. We have to believe and stand on His Word till it is fulfilled in our life.

Date:24: 09: 2019.

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