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Wednesday, August 7, 2019


We are all going through one of the 3 main  problems or all the 3 problems in our life.

1. Physical problems
2. Mental problems
3. Financial problems.

Physical problems is nothing but all the problems connected to our body like sickness, pain etc. When we are going through sickness or pain initially we depend on doctors and medicine and when this doesn't work then there is no option for us but to depend on God.

Mental problems is nothing but  our inefficiency to control our thoughts when we are in trouble. When our mind is focusing on the trouble it will be stressed out and because of this most of us cannot work effectively. we have to focus on the Word of God completely to overcome mental stress before it turns into illness.

Financial problem is very common these days because of loss of health,loss of job, loss in business etc. Financial problems is not easy to handle we require courage, patience and total dependence on God to overcome it.

For all these 3 problems God is the only answer we have and God will give solutions to our problems through our confident prayer.

Devil will try his level best to break our confidence in our prayers so that we may be living with our problems for long time and loose our confidence in prayer and quit.

We have to put our complete trust in God and His Word to overcome every problems we are facing.

We have to understand God will give solutions to our problems when we put our complete trust in HIM. God is always faithful to His Word from the beginning . GOD is having perfect knowledge of our situation and knows how and when to free us from our problems.

Date: 07: 08: 2019.

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