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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Timothy 6:7 - for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it;

We are at one or the other point of time born and came into this world as infants bringing nothing with us in the same way when die we take nothing with us.

We need to ask ourselves question when we have enough to live Godly life why we chase for more.

Many of us initially come to prayers because of our problems and once our problems are solved and start becoming rich again we forget our values we cultivated when we were in prayers and keep ourselves busy in making more money.

Once we fall trap to greediness it is very difficult for us to come back to God.

We have to understand whatever possession and money we have when we die we cannot take anything with us.

God has created rich and poor for a purpose so that the rich may share the excess they have with the poor, but the reality is rich are ready to donate any amount of money where their names are announced or written on the stone but they do not care for the poor.

We have to learn to save and share our excess with others so that we may become blessing in somebody's life.

Date: 28:08:2019.

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