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Tuesday, August 13, 2019


We as humans will fall into different kinds of temptations from the evil. Evil one will tempt every one who is in prayer and others are already in his slavery.

When evil one tempts we have to do few things which will help us to overcome temptation.

We have to pray before we are tempted and also we have to pray when we are in midst of temptation.

We have to flee from the temptation of flesh like Joseph in Egypt instead of resisting it for a moment and falling into it.

We need to quote scriptures when we are tempted as Jesus did so that we can defeat the devil.

We have to ask help of religious people when we are tempted so that we may overcome temptation through their prayers.

We have to remind ourself every day regarding the consequences we are going to face because of sin and this alertness will help us to overcome temptation.

Temptation is the powerful tool devil and his agents use against us to keep us busy in it for months and also years so that we may walk towards the road which is leading to hell.

We have to ask help of God to overcome every temptation we are going through. God is faithful and He will surely deliver us from temptation of the evil one.

Date: 13:08:2019.

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