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Thursday, August 22, 2019


God's word clearly says in psalm 150:6 - Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

In this world people are busy with their work, their family and other worldly things and because of this we fail to praise God in our life. 

We have to understand that we need to praise God when everything is well with us as well when we are going through suffering.

 It's easy to praise God when everything is well with us but we forget because we are busy with other things. When we are going through suffering its difficult to praise the Lord but we have to cultivate a new habit of praising God.

When we praise God we break the power of the enemy(Psalm 8:4) and no matter what enemy has planned for our destruction all will fail.

By praising God in every adverse situations we prove that we trust God and in His Word more than any adverse situations.

By praising God we experience impossible miracles in our life and also our heart will be filled with joy and peace in midst of any situation.

Let everyone who is breathing Praise the Lord because He has given us one more day to live on this earth.

Date: 22:08:2019.

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