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Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Our attitude towards God determines our strong or weak relationship with Him.

If we have not experienced God's miracle in our life we will not have confidence in God. Once we receive miracle or healing or deliverance from God we will build our confidence in God.

Many of us when we are stuck in the middle of the problem we will be in 2 mind whether to trust in God and stay calm or to start doing our things as per our insight and make our problem worst.

We have love God for who He is and not only when He does something good in our life.

If our attitude towards God is right then we will be living in Faith full of hope filled with love and because of this we will be able to see Glory of God in our life and because of seeing the Glory of God in our life we will be different from others in our thinking, in our words and also in our deeds.

If our attitude towards God is not right then we will be living with complaining, questioning, reasoning and resenting and because of this we will not be able to maintain our relationship with anyone  including God.

Our attitude towards God is the most important thing about us, we cannot change ourself by trying our best but we can change only when the knowledge of God increases in our life and because of knowledge of God increasing in our life Holiness also will also increase in our life.

Date: 14:08:2019.

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