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Monday, August 19, 2019


God's word says in Matthew 25:40 - Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ 

 We need to examine our life from the beginning till date and see that how many times we have given food to hungry or given water to the thirsty or how many sick people we have visited and prayed for them or how many prisoners we have visited. When we do this act of love to others it is like doing for Jesus.

We have to look around us and watch very closely broken people and help them with whatever we can either in our deeds or by encouraging them with our words.

Many of us after being in prayers from years, we  fail to go out of our comfort zone and do something good to others.

We instead of helping them with whatever we can, we will  either say to them recite this prayer or that prayer or will say I will pray for you and walk away.

We have to make time to give food and water to all the flood affected people near us and also let us make a good habit of visiting sick and also prisoners and listen to their difficulties and pray over them so that whatever we do to them we are doing for Jesus.

Date: 19:08:2019.

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