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Thursday, October 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PSALM 4:4-- When you are disturbed,do not sin;ponder it on your beds, and be silent.

We are all living in this world which promises us great things but in the reality world is deceiving us by attracting us towards its pleasures. 

Because of the decieit of the world many of us are disappointed, irritated, angry and also frustrated.

Because of the decieit of the world our soul and mind will be focused on our disappointment, irritation, anger and frustration and because of which many of us will lose our peace and be disturbed all the time.

It is only when we are disturbed we are tempted to commit sin and also fall into bad habits, instead of committing sin we need to silently ponder in our hearts so that God will visit us and help us to overcome it.

We are getting disturbed only because our plans are failing, the main reason for failure of our plans is God has something better in His mind for us.

More we chase our plans,more we are going to fail,instead of that we have to switch ourself from our plans to God's plan by surrendering everything to the Lord and also supporting our surrender with continuous reciting of the Word of God.

We also have guard our tongue by not discussing our failures to everyone so that they may spread it everywhere.

God speaks to us most of the time with us not when we are praying but when we are in other places where we least expect God to speak.

God reveals everything to us in His mysterious ways so let us not get disturbed and wait for Him in patience and also courage.

Date: 31:10:2019.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019



We all after living in this world have multiple plans for 1 year, 5 years,10 years to achieve something in our life.

We have to understand that our journey on this earth may come to an end at any moment but the question we need to ask is whether we are prepared ourself thinking that today is our last day on this earth.

We do not prepare ourself and  keep death before our eyes only because we are not ready to die because of our attachments we have in this world and also because we are scared of death.

Death will not tell us in advance and come so that we may have time to prepare. Death will come to us suddenly like a thief in the day or night and for young and for old, we should not regret after our death for not preparing ourself for it.

We have to live in this miserable world moment by moment joyfully instead of thinking about tomorrow and worry.

We also have to examine our conscience daily before going to bed and understand the wrongs we have done whole day and we have to ask pardon with the Lord so that we may have confidence to face the Lord if death comes to us.

Death will come to everyone like a thief suddenly in the hour we least expect. Let's not forget and remember everyday and be prepared.

Date: 30:10:2019.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 TIMOTHY 1:19-- having faith and a good conscience. By rejecting conscience, certain persons have suffered shipwreck in the faith; 

Faith is the very familiar word among believers but Conscience is the very unfamiliar and also unimportant word among believers. We have to understand to grow mature in Faith, good conscience should grow in us as both go hand in hand.

Many of us after being in the life of Faith for long years we fail to develop good conscience only because the reason of our living in faith is not because we want to know more about God but because of our problems or to get wealthy by being with people of Faith.

Because of bad conscience many of us grew in faith for few years and after that we have experienced shipwreck of our Faith. Shipwreck of Faith will happen only when we have bad conscience. Bad conscience is nothing but doing wrong deliberately when we know and have knowledge about doing right.

We all go to church every day or every week , we have analyze ourself that how many times we have seen people sitting by roadside begging for money or food. If we have good conscience we will share whatever we can without thinking for  what that person is going to use that money. If we have bad conscience we will think so many things and without giving we walk away.

We have to discover ourself and see whether we are going to church to fill the benches or we are going to church to learn new things about God every day. If we are learning new things about God then we have to check whether our conscience is good or bad.

Date: 29: 10: 2019.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PHILIPPIANS 1:29-- For he has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well.

We are called to believe in Jesus, to live as Jesus lived on this earth and also suffer for Jesus but the truth is today's generation wants only blessings and miracles  from God and they think suffering is for priests, nuns, preachers and religious.

Many of us believe in Jesus because we want something from Him and not because we love Him. Jesus in His goodness bless us because He is faithful to His Word, but after receiving blessings from Jesus we become very BUSY( Being Under Satan's Yoke) in the world and as the days goes by we enjoy the blessings but forget the Blesser.

 Every suffering coming our way we instead of running away from it because of fear, we have to face it courageously, when we develop a habit of bearing all the suffering coming our way we will be walking closer to Jesus. 

If we run from the suffering, we may succeed escaping from it for few days or few weeks but after that suffering will catch us.

Miracles  will keep us close to God for sometime but suffering keep us close to God lifetime if we accept it whole heartedly.

Suffering may start from evil but if we are courageous and walk forward everyday one fine day it will end with Jesus.

Every suffering we bear in our life when we unite it to the suffering of Jesus, it will have great merit and reward.

Date: 28: 10: 2019.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MARK 14:38-- Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 

We all pray daily or weekly according to our convenience. We only by praying will not gain anything unless we are obedient to the Word of God.

 Our prayer life goes smoothly sometimes, but most of the time we will be battling with temptations the enemy brings in our life to uproot our prayer life.

We have to be alert all the time or else  enemy will strike us with temptations, if we are well equipped with the Word of God we can drive the enemy away  every time he comes near us.

Enemy brings to us temptations of different kind. some face temptations regarding money,  some face temptations regarding anger and violence, some face temptations regarding lust, some face temptations regarding desires of the world, some face temptations regarding pride, some face temptations regarding rebellion, some face temptations regarding gossiping, some face temptations regarding unbelief,doubt and so on.

If we do not identify the temptations we are into then surely many years will pass without overcoming it. We all have desire to do something good but because of falling into temptation we end up on the other side doing bad.

Lord Jesus has given us His Word to fight temptations as Jesus when on earth fought temptation through the Word of God. If we do not know word of God then we will be the target of the enemy.

Many of us even after being strong in prayers fall into temptations and also sin. After falling into temptation and sin, some rise up with the help of God and others live in guilt mode. When we live in guilt mode we have to know that we have not understood Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross fully.

Everyone no matter how strong or weak in prayer will fall into temptation but we instead of staying there for long we need to take courage and rise up immediately so that  temptation will not cause big damage to our prayer life.

Everyone who rise up fast from falling into temptation will come to know the ways to overcome it. We have to grow in the knowledge and strength of God so that we will have courage to say NO to every temptations coming our way .

Jesus is the only one who can teach us to overcome every temptations,we have to depend upon Him whenever we are going through temptations,He will surely help us if we ask HIM.

Date: 27: 10: 2019.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ACTS 17:30 -- While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

God is always good and also very great because He was very patient with us when we were following ways of evil and comiting sins. 

When we were completely destroyed because of our ignorance and disobedience towards His Word, God came to our rescue and He showed His love and mercy towards us instead of judging us for our past ignorance and disobedience to His Word.

God always overlooks our past so that He can give us great future. God has always commanded us to repent but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we have truly repented for our past ignorance and disobedience and whether we have grown in faith, righteousness and holiness.

Sin is  turning our back to God and our face to sin in the same way repentance is turning our back to sin and turning our face towards God.

We need to understand that repentance doesn't happen overnight but in some cases it will take months, in some cases it will take years and for many of us it will take till the end of our life. 

When we are ignorant towards word of God surely we love to follow the World and do whatever others do without knowing whether it is right or wrong. We are very happy to commit sins and be in the company of sinful friends but when we repent most of us are ashamed because we are very much concerned about what others may speak about us.

We have to fix one thing in our mind that we are going to see Jesus face to face on the judgement day and not Our sinful friends. We need to make a choice today whether we on side of Jesus or sinful friends. Choice is ours as God has given us freewill.

Date: 26: 10: 2019.

Friday, October 25, 2019



Some of us are climbing the ladder of success in our life and some of us are battling with one or the other situations or problems in our life which may be easy or  difficult or impossible. 

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are sharing all our welfare , situations and problems with everyone we know.

If we are in habit of opening our life to everyone then without our knowledge our life will become topic for gossiping for many. By opening our life to everyone will never benefit us instead it will increase our mental stress.

If someone is interested in asking us about our problem and walk away after listening we need to identify them and distance ourself from them in the future.

We have to be extra careful about making friends quickly inside the church or prayer meeting or retreat. When we become friends quickly we share our life with them quickly. We should not assume that everyone who comes to church or prayer meeting or retreat is filled with wisdom of God or that person is having fear of God but most of them are coming because of their problems.

In today's world sharing confidential things of our life with everyone can be dangerous. We have to make a new habit of sharing all the confidential information about our life with God because He is the only one with full wisdom and can guide us accordingly.

People may fail us with their wrong advice or by deceiving us but God cannot fail us because He is faithful to His Word.

Date: 25: 10: 2019.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Death and life are in the power of our tongue according the Word of God but we need to ask ourselves whether we know it.

Most of us are going through one or the other problems but we need to examine ourself whether we are speaking solutions when we are going through problems or we speak about our problems with known and unknown people and speak death. 

We have to train our  tongue to speak life by reciting Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, reading Holy Bible and also Reciting Scripture. Once our tongue is trained then we can be sure of speaking life when we are going face death like situations.

We have to understand that speaking death or about our problem proceeds from our soul and speaking life or speaking to the problem proceeds from our Spirit.

We have to understand that God has already given solutions to every problems of ours in His Word. We need to search His Word which is applicable to our situations and we have to recite again and again till we overcome it.

We will be able to live victorious only when we speak to our problem word of God and will be defeated when we speak about our problem with others. Choice is ours whether we want to live victorious life or defeated life.

Date: 24: 10: 2019.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019



We after born and raised in Catholic church we have to love our blessed mother given to us by Jesus when He was on the cross.

Many of think that Mother Mary is a ordinary woman because of our lack of knowledge or because of the influence of other denominations on our life. We have to know that Mother Mary was extraordinary woman chosen from all woman living to be mother of God. Mother Mary is the only person in the entire humankind from Adam till date after being fully human was full of Grace and without sin all her life. 

Difference between Jesus and Mother Mary who were living on this earth without any sin is Jesus was born by the power of Holy Spirit and Mother Mary was born to her human parents Joachim and Ann.

Mother Mary is blessed among all woman from eve till date and also till the end of the world. 

God chose Mother Mary when she was in her mother's womb. She was born without original sin and because of this she was full of Grace since she was child and because of this she grew in holiness and humility. She gave her consent to God to become mother of Jesus,mother of God.

Mother Mary's intercession has never failed since wedding at Cana till date but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we believe after being Catholics. No matter how hard is our situations Mother Mary's intercession will always help us to overcome it because she is interceding with God to shower upon us Graces. God always listens to her because she was obedient all her life.

We  have to love Mother Mary for all the help she is providing us through her intercession. We have to love her because she is Mother of God.

Date: 23: 10: 2019.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in  ISAIAH 30: 20-21- Though the Lord may give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself any more, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

When we are in our spiritual journey most of us want world and it's pleasures and God and His blessings. When walk forward in our spiritual journey putting our two legs in two boats we cannot serve God with all our heart and because of this no matter how many hours we pray or how many prayers we attend every week we will not obey God and because of this there will no changes in our thoughts, our words and also in  our deeds.

As a result of putting our legs in two boats we will be going through afflictions of different kinds without any solution because of our divided heart.

When we start seeking God with all our heart then surely worldly desires will slowly fade away from our life and God will become strong in our life.

We need to understand that when we are seeking God with all our heart, God will show Himself to us in mysterious ways and also speak to us when we ask Him solutions to our problems and concerns.

Once we have built a strong relationship with God we will stop completely doing things according to our mind and start doing things according to the Word of God no matter how difficult it is.

Many a times because of delay in solutions to our problems we may fall into confusion or doubt or discouragement or frustration or sorrow but because of being in relationship with God, He will speak to us through His Word and encourage us and also show us right path to walk and also right decision to make.

We have to depend totally on God to get benefited from Him. We always have to seek His counsel and speak to Him about our situations so that He will share with us everything He has planned for our life.

Date: 22: 10: 2019.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 2:1- Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. 

We are all trying our best to grow in faith by getting all the assistance from either priests or nuns or preachers. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are attentive to every word they speak. 

Most of us are not attentive to the Word of God spoken by them. We will be going to listen to the Word of God because of our wants and needs and when we do this it is very easy for us to drift away from the Word of God and move into the world.

We need to note down the scriptures and we need to develop a new habit of reciting it on daily basis. When the Word of God becomes active in us we will not drift away from it.

Listening to the Word of God by paying great attention will also help us to apply it in our daily life. By applying the Word of God daily in our life we will grow in faith, holiness and righteousness.

Let us from today make a commitment to be attentive when we listen to the Word of God or else quickly devil will distract us and steal the Word of God we have listened.

Word of God is the only way we have to grow from darkness towards light, let's be serious when we listen to the Word of God so that we may grow in the knowledge of God which will save us from falling into corruption of the world and also to the deceit and lies of  satan.

Date: 21:10: 2019.

Sunday, October 20, 2019



We all participate in one or more forms of prayer alone or in group and after participating for a certain period of time we need check our life and see whether we are living for ourself or are we  living for Jesus.

If we are living for ourself then surely nothing good is going to come our way fully but in bits and pieces because of God's love and Grace. God checks our selfishness by allowing problems in our life .if we  are depressed it clearly displays our selfishness or if we are joyful it displays that we are living for Jesus.

Many of us go for retreats, novenas, prayer meeting not because they want to grow in knowledge of the Word of God but they go because they want their problems to be solved. Once God solves their problems they are not to be seen either in the church or retreats or novenas or prayer meetings for years till the next problem strikes them.

Loving ourself more than God is starting point of all miseries in our life and because of this we are going to miss so many favors from the hands of the Living God.

God has given us the commandment to love Him above all things but people in this world choose love job, power, addictions, children, parents or any other person or things. When we do this we are comiting the sin of idolatry.

When we love ourself more than God we will be always thinking to satisfy our desires of the flesh and pleasures of the world. 


Date:20: 10: 2019.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 Corinthians 1:5  - For just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ.

We are all going to go through suffering today or tomorrow according to the plan of God. When we are in the midst of suffering in our life the first thing we ask is WHY GOD THIS FOR ME? After a while when we move forward suffering becomes difficult to bear then we start asking WHERE ARE YOU GOD?. If we still persevere a little more and nothing seems to happen in our life then we may come to conclusion that GOD IS NOT THERE and we may also quit prayers.

We need to understand that God has allowed suffering in our life for our purification from our sins and grow in holiness. In midst of our suffering if we do not practice to obey God's Word then surely our suffering will become unbearable for us. When we are in the midst of suffering we run to retreats after retreats seeking solutions but God knows when to deliver us. 

In the midst of our suffering we need to seek God and His Word more than people so that God will talk to our heart and give us consolation.

In this world everyone has gone through different kinds of suffering, some small, some big, some biggest that is why the person who has suffered less cannot guide the person who has suffered more.

Only one we can depend upon is JESUS because He has gone through highest suffering and because of this He can guide us rightly.

Let us put our complete trust in Jesus because He is the only one who can uplift us from our suffering and give us consolation.

Date: 19:10:2019.

Friday, October 18, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

God loves everyone He created and because of this love God had to bear all the ignorance, arrogance and rebellion of the people.

God in the beginning sent prophets after prophets to tell people the wrong they are doing, some listened and changed, some ignored and most of them rebelled against the prophets and went to extreme extent to kill the prophets.

In spite of all this happening God still wanted to save the world because of the covenant He made with Noah. God's love was overflowing for His children but His children instead of loving Him back chose to love sin, desires of the flesh and pleasures of the world and idolatry.

Because of the hard heartedness of the people, God had to reveal His master plan to send His only son in the human form to prophet Isaiah around 700 years before Jesus was born.

God sent His only son Jesus on this earth in human form only to teach people about God's kingdom, to show people God's mercy and love, to suffer death because of our sins, and all slavery of evil.

We have to understand that Jesus suffered , Jesus was wounded , Jesus was spit upon, Jesus was slapped on His face , Jesus was crowned with thorns , Jesus carried cross to Calvary , Jesus was nailed on the cross and Jesus died on the cross on Calvary to show how much He loved us.

Jesus did everything for us to show how much He loved us but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we have  understood the pain in Jesus sacrifice and given up our sins or we dwell in sin and hurt HIM and also insult His Great sacrifice.

Jesus died for us so that we may live a life of abundance and also life of conversion. We have to always look at Jesus great sacrifice on the cross and give up our sins and grow in Faith, Grace, Righteousness and Holiness. 

Jesus sacrifice on the cross has given us great hope that one day we will be giving up sins and embrace His love , mercy and after our death we will be united with Him and enjoy eternal life.

Date: 18: 10: 2019.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Word of God clearly says in TITUS 2:7-8- Show yourself in all respects a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity, and sound speech that cannot be censured; then any opponent will be put to shame, having nothing evil to say of us.

We are all belonging to either different religion or different denominations of Christianity. We need to understand that we have to discipline ourself in our thoughts,words and deeds or else we may do great harm to people belonging either to other religions or other denominations of Christianity.

We have mind our own business and not to dig at other religions or other denominations of Christianity and say that there is something wrong in their practice. 

Whatever anyone does according to His religion or denominations should not worry us instead we need to strive to be good example in our own community.

Many of our brothers and sisters belonging to Catholic have either gone to other religions or other denominations in search of new God. God is one for the entire universe no one can change that but everyone calls Him by different name.

Many have jumped into other religions or other denominations of Christianity for money, power and position and not because they love God.

I am born as Catholic, I will do my best to live as good example in Catholic community and also die as Catholic. I wish to guide all my Catholic brothers and sisters and also help them to cultivate Catholic faith. My faith is a gift from God and not from people so I am not worried about what people talk or argue about my faith but take firm commitment to live as Catholic.

We have to understand that we are born in different religion or different denominations of Christianity according to the plan of God and we have to strive to lead others with our good example.

We have to know by getting converted to other religions or other denominations of Christianity will not benefit us but conversion of our life will surely benefit us.

For conversion of our soul, conversion of religion is not necessary. We can commit ourself to the Word of God and we can grow spiritually mature wherever we are placed by God.


Date: 17:10:2019.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Word of God clearly says in John 16:33- I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”

When we take a firm decision to live with Jesus according to His Word we are all going to suffer different types of persecution and for many of us to bear persecution it is impossible because of living in flesh but those bear it and do not react will be at peace because Jesus is walking along with them.

Persecutions we face in our life is from religious people, family members, relatives, friends and also prayer friends. Most of the time for us persecution comes in our life when we are in problems and seeking solutions, many of them take liberty to correct us in a harsh way instead of showing love and compassion.

Many a times people do not analyze what they talk and they will just dump on our head whatever they want and walk away. If we have to be at peace then we need to practice listening and ignoring their words or else we may take personally and ruin our peace.

We need to concentrate on Jesus and not people for solutions, more we look at Jesus more we are going get strength to overcome every persecution and more we look at people more we are going to fall into anger, bitterness and hatredness.

When people persecute us and we do not react as the day passes by  they move out of our life because they are not getting any reaction from us. We have to learn to respond and pray for their conversion.

All people who were running the church were the main people who were persecuting Jesus in the same way we may also sometimes experience the same but as Jesus remained silent throughout His persecution and was victorious we also have to maintain silence in time of persecution and be victorious like Jesus our master.

Date: 16:10:2019.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MARK 8:36- For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?

We are all living according to the standard of the world and because of this we think money, power and fame is everything we need to achieve. By chasing money,power and fame many of us have fallen trap to greediness and because of this greediness our mind and heart demands more of it.

When we chase money, power and fame our children are not left behind they will also do the same because of the bad example set by us.

By chasing money, power and fame we will become self righteous and self centered and because of this we will always be right in our own eyes and also we will concentrating on ourself, because of this we start slowly drifting away from God towards world and will be in serious danger of falling into the hands of enemy and getting destroyed.

We have to understand that whatever we do for ourself till the end of our life without growing in the Word of God will all be vanity and chasing after wind. We have to understand nothing of the worldly pleasures will profit us but word of God will surely does. It is Better to live a simple life in the presence of God than chasing after money, power and fame and forfeit our eternal life and walk towards eternal damnation.

Date: 15:10:2019.