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Thursday, October 10, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 3:14- For we have become partners of Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end.

First of all we have to believe that we are children of God and because we are children of God we are also co- heir with Jesus , we are also partners of Jesus.

If we are partners of Jesus then we need to do the same work Jesus did rather than living in selfishness. To say we are partners of Jesus is easy but to the work it's difficult because we have to be disciplined in our thoughts, in our words and also in our deeds.

If we have to grow in confidence of our partner that is Jesus then surely we need to grow in confidence with His Word. We cannot grow in confidence in His Word without reciting on daily basis, memorizing it so wherever we go we should be able to recall the Word of God without opening the Bible.

When we are partnering with Jesus we have to learn everything He did when He was on this earth and also we need to stop chasing worldly desires and also desires of the flesh. We have to grow in forgiveness, mercy, righteousness and also virtues.

Let us make a strong commitment now to partner with Jesus and walk towards life instead of partnering with the world and flesh and walk towards destruction. 

Date: 10: 10: 2019.

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