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Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Word of God clearly says in John 16:33- I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”

When we take a firm decision to live with Jesus according to His Word we are all going to suffer different types of persecution and for many of us to bear persecution it is impossible because of living in flesh but those bear it and do not react will be at peace because Jesus is walking along with them.

Persecutions we face in our life is from religious people, family members, relatives, friends and also prayer friends. Most of the time for us persecution comes in our life when we are in problems and seeking solutions, many of them take liberty to correct us in a harsh way instead of showing love and compassion.

Many a times people do not analyze what they talk and they will just dump on our head whatever they want and walk away. If we have to be at peace then we need to practice listening and ignoring their words or else we may take personally and ruin our peace.

We need to concentrate on Jesus and not people for solutions, more we look at Jesus more we are going get strength to overcome every persecution and more we look at people more we are going to fall into anger, bitterness and hatredness.

When people persecute us and we do not react as the day passes by  they move out of our life because they are not getting any reaction from us. We have to learn to respond and pray for their conversion.

All people who were running the church were the main people who were persecuting Jesus in the same way we may also sometimes experience the same but as Jesus remained silent throughout His persecution and was victorious we also have to maintain silence in time of persecution and be victorious like Jesus our master.

Date: 16:10:2019.

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