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Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MARK 8:36- For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?

We are all living according to the standard of the world and because of this we think money, power and fame is everything we need to achieve. By chasing money,power and fame many of us have fallen trap to greediness and because of this greediness our mind and heart demands more of it.

When we chase money, power and fame our children are not left behind they will also do the same because of the bad example set by us.

By chasing money, power and fame we will become self righteous and self centered and because of this we will always be right in our own eyes and also we will concentrating on ourself, because of this we start slowly drifting away from God towards world and will be in serious danger of falling into the hands of enemy and getting destroyed.

We have to understand that whatever we do for ourself till the end of our life without growing in the Word of God will all be vanity and chasing after wind. We have to understand nothing of the worldly pleasures will profit us but word of God will surely does. It is Better to live a simple life in the presence of God than chasing after money, power and fame and forfeit our eternal life and walk towards eternal damnation.

Date: 15:10:2019.

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