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Monday, October 7, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 3:8- Bear fruit worthy of repentance.

When we are living in the flesh and according the world we will be having stronghold of sin and because of having this stronghold of sin we will not be having realisation of what we are doing.

Many of us after having stronghold of sin even if we attend holy mass or retreats we feel very good inside and after we come outside again sin takes control of our life.

God is calling us to repent from our sinful life which will automatically take us towards life of Grace. Without repenting for our sins it is impossible to live a life of freedom.

When we take a firm decision to follow God and His Word we will get partial realisation of our sins and as we move forward with love we will get total realisation of our sins which will help us in our conversion from sin to Grace.

When we get total realisation of our sins,it is the starting point of our repentance, when we feel the sorrow for all the sins we have committed and realize how much we have hurt God when He was good to us it is the sign that our journey of repentance is on the move.

When we start committing ourself to reciting, memorizing, meditating and obeying the Word of God, we gain more knowledge about sin and we make our efforts to give up with the help of God's Grace.

When we are bearing fruits of Holy Spirit in our life,this indicates our repentance of the past is coming to completion. We have examine our life and check whether we are bearing fruits of the Holy Spirit that is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GENTLENESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENEROSITY and SELF CONTROL.

Date: 07: 10: 2019.

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