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Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Psalm 50:15- Call on me in the day of trouble;I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

We are all going through one or the other problems in our daily life. Some are going through health problems, some financial problems, some family problems, some job problems and so on.

When we are going through problems we will overcome it depending on whom we are believing to get us out of our problems.

Many of us when we are going through problems first we run to people and tell them about our problem expecting solutions from them. People will promise us, give us advice and through their flattering words deceive us. Because of trusting people we may have to go through terrible times unnecessarily.

Whenever we are going through problems first thing we need to do is run  to God by depending on His Word . God's word has never failed in the past, it will never fail now and it will never fail in the future also.

We have to totally depend on God and His Word for solutions to every problems we have. As God has created each of us in a unique way hence HE is waiting patiently to listen from our mouth our troubles so that He can give us solutions.

God may not immediately answer us but as we move forward believing Him surely God's answer will come to us only if we do not quit.

All of us through our prayers or somebody's prayer will come out of our troubles but after getting out of our troubles out of 100 people 90 people think it's a co incidence and move on and only 10 will testify for the Lord.

Date: 09:10:2019.

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