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Monday, October 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PHILIPPIANS 1:29-- For he has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well.

We are called to believe in Jesus, to live as Jesus lived on this earth and also suffer for Jesus but the truth is today's generation wants only blessings and miracles  from God and they think suffering is for priests, nuns, preachers and religious.

Many of us believe in Jesus because we want something from Him and not because we love Him. Jesus in His goodness bless us because He is faithful to His Word, but after receiving blessings from Jesus we become very BUSY( Being Under Satan's Yoke) in the world and as the days goes by we enjoy the blessings but forget the Blesser.

 Every suffering coming our way we instead of running away from it because of fear, we have to face it courageously, when we develop a habit of bearing all the suffering coming our way we will be walking closer to Jesus. 

If we run from the suffering, we may succeed escaping from it for few days or few weeks but after that suffering will catch us.

Miracles  will keep us close to God for sometime but suffering keep us close to God lifetime if we accept it whole heartedly.

Suffering may start from evil but if we are courageous and walk forward everyday one fine day it will end with Jesus.

Every suffering we bear in our life when we unite it to the suffering of Jesus, it will have great merit and reward.

Date: 28: 10: 2019.

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