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Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 TIMOTHY 1:19-- having faith and a good conscience. By rejecting conscience, certain persons have suffered shipwreck in the faith; 

Faith is the very familiar word among believers but Conscience is the very unfamiliar and also unimportant word among believers. We have to understand to grow mature in Faith, good conscience should grow in us as both go hand in hand.

Many of us after being in the life of Faith for long years we fail to develop good conscience only because the reason of our living in faith is not because we want to know more about God but because of our problems or to get wealthy by being with people of Faith.

Because of bad conscience many of us grew in faith for few years and after that we have experienced shipwreck of our Faith. Shipwreck of Faith will happen only when we have bad conscience. Bad conscience is nothing but doing wrong deliberately when we know and have knowledge about doing right.

We all go to church every day or every week , we have analyze ourself that how many times we have seen people sitting by roadside begging for money or food. If we have good conscience we will share whatever we can without thinking for  what that person is going to use that money. If we have bad conscience we will think so many things and without giving we walk away.

We have to discover ourself and see whether we are going to church to fill the benches or we are going to church to learn new things about God every day. If we are learning new things about God then we have to check whether our conscience is good or bad.

Date: 29: 10: 2019.

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