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Friday, October 18, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

God loves everyone He created and because of this love God had to bear all the ignorance, arrogance and rebellion of the people.

God in the beginning sent prophets after prophets to tell people the wrong they are doing, some listened and changed, some ignored and most of them rebelled against the prophets and went to extreme extent to kill the prophets.

In spite of all this happening God still wanted to save the world because of the covenant He made with Noah. God's love was overflowing for His children but His children instead of loving Him back chose to love sin, desires of the flesh and pleasures of the world and idolatry.

Because of the hard heartedness of the people, God had to reveal His master plan to send His only son in the human form to prophet Isaiah around 700 years before Jesus was born.

God sent His only son Jesus on this earth in human form only to teach people about God's kingdom, to show people God's mercy and love, to suffer death because of our sins, and all slavery of evil.

We have to understand that Jesus suffered , Jesus was wounded , Jesus was spit upon, Jesus was slapped on His face , Jesus was crowned with thorns , Jesus carried cross to Calvary , Jesus was nailed on the cross and Jesus died on the cross on Calvary to show how much He loved us.

Jesus did everything for us to show how much He loved us but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we have  understood the pain in Jesus sacrifice and given up our sins or we dwell in sin and hurt HIM and also insult His Great sacrifice.

Jesus died for us so that we may live a life of abundance and also life of conversion. We have to always look at Jesus great sacrifice on the cross and give up our sins and grow in Faith, Grace, Righteousness and Holiness. 

Jesus sacrifice on the cross has given us great hope that one day we will be giving up sins and embrace His love , mercy and after our death we will be united with Him and enjoy eternal life.

Date: 18: 10: 2019.

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