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Sunday, October 13, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 JOHN 3:4 - Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 

We are all who are living in this world have sinned and because of this we have fallen short of the glory of God. 

When we read the Word of God(Holy Bible) and follow strictly every instruction written in it our inclination towards sin will reduce and we can live a life of freedom.

 When we choose to satisfy our desires of the flesh and also pleasures of the world, because of choosing flesh and world we fall trap to slavery of sin.

When we fall trap to slavery of sin we have to know that we are walking in the road which leads to destruction. When we finally reach our final destination that is destruction we instead of blaming ourself for committing sins and disobeying God we start blaming God or blaming devil or blaming people for our destruction.

When we commit sins again and again without having any realization or sorrow of it we indirectly say to God that we do not care about Him and His Word.

We need to commit ourself to the Word of God and start reciting, memorizing it on daily basis because as the power of the Word of God increases in our life sin will decrease in our life.

I DID IT MY WAY is the anthem of hell and I DID IT GOD'S WAY is the anthem of heaven. Which anthem we want to sing we need to live that way.

Date :13:10:2019.

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