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Monday, October 21, 2019


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 2:1- Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. 

We are all trying our best to grow in faith by getting all the assistance from either priests or nuns or preachers. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are attentive to every word they speak. 

Most of us are not attentive to the Word of God spoken by them. We will be going to listen to the Word of God because of our wants and needs and when we do this it is very easy for us to drift away from the Word of God and move into the world.

We need to note down the scriptures and we need to develop a new habit of reciting it on daily basis. When the Word of God becomes active in us we will not drift away from it.

Listening to the Word of God by paying great attention will also help us to apply it in our daily life. By applying the Word of God daily in our life we will grow in faith, holiness and righteousness.

Let us from today make a commitment to be attentive when we listen to the Word of God or else quickly devil will distract us and steal the Word of God we have listened.

Word of God is the only way we have to grow from darkness towards light, let's be serious when we listen to the Word of God so that we may grow in the knowledge of God which will save us from falling into corruption of the world and also to the deceit and lies of  satan.

Date: 21:10: 2019.

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