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Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Psalm 40:1-2- I waited patiently for the Lord;he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

We all have to go through hard times either today or in the days to come. When we are going through hard times we will meet 3 types of people.

1.Empty advisors- These empty advisors can be spiritual or lukewarm or unbelievers. If we seriously follow their empty advice then surely we will be falling into bigger pit.

2. Decievers- These people will try to show us easy way out of our problem and deceive us so that our problem will become more than before. They also promise us to get us out of our pit and all of sudden they will disappear from our life leaving us alone.

3. Accusers- These people will enquire about our hard times and then they will start speaking badly about us with others things they know and also things they do not know. We need to know about these people and try to be on guard so that we do not pass any information to them.

All 3 type of people are sent into our life by God to train us to overcome evil with God's goodness. We need to shift our focus from these people and start focusing completely on God and His Word or else we may get bitter, angry and build hatredness towards them.

When we focus on God and His Word surely God is able to lift us up from our deepest pit and also make our steps secure.

Date: 02:10:2019.

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