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Thursday, October 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PSALM 4:4-- When you are disturbed,do not sin;ponder it on your beds, and be silent.

We are all living in this world which promises us great things but in the reality world is deceiving us by attracting us towards its pleasures. 

Because of the decieit of the world many of us are disappointed, irritated, angry and also frustrated.

Because of the decieit of the world our soul and mind will be focused on our disappointment, irritation, anger and frustration and because of which many of us will lose our peace and be disturbed all the time.

It is only when we are disturbed we are tempted to commit sin and also fall into bad habits, instead of committing sin we need to silently ponder in our hearts so that God will visit us and help us to overcome it.

We are getting disturbed only because our plans are failing, the main reason for failure of our plans is God has something better in His mind for us.

More we chase our plans,more we are going to fail,instead of that we have to switch ourself from our plans to God's plan by surrendering everything to the Lord and also supporting our surrender with continuous reciting of the Word of God.

We also have guard our tongue by not discussing our failures to everyone so that they may spread it everywhere.

God speaks to us most of the time with us not when we are praying but when we are in other places where we least expect God to speak.

God reveals everything to us in His mysterious ways so let us not get disturbed and wait for Him in patience and also courage.

Date: 31:10:2019.

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