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Sunday, October 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MARK 14:38-- Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 

We all pray daily or weekly according to our convenience. We only by praying will not gain anything unless we are obedient to the Word of God.

 Our prayer life goes smoothly sometimes, but most of the time we will be battling with temptations the enemy brings in our life to uproot our prayer life.

We have to be alert all the time or else  enemy will strike us with temptations, if we are well equipped with the Word of God we can drive the enemy away  every time he comes near us.

Enemy brings to us temptations of different kind. some face temptations regarding money,  some face temptations regarding anger and violence, some face temptations regarding lust, some face temptations regarding desires of the world, some face temptations regarding pride, some face temptations regarding rebellion, some face temptations regarding gossiping, some face temptations regarding unbelief,doubt and so on.

If we do not identify the temptations we are into then surely many years will pass without overcoming it. We all have desire to do something good but because of falling into temptation we end up on the other side doing bad.

Lord Jesus has given us His Word to fight temptations as Jesus when on earth fought temptation through the Word of God. If we do not know word of God then we will be the target of the enemy.

Many of us even after being strong in prayers fall into temptations and also sin. After falling into temptation and sin, some rise up with the help of God and others live in guilt mode. When we live in guilt mode we have to know that we have not understood Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross fully.

Everyone no matter how strong or weak in prayer will fall into temptation but we instead of staying there for long we need to take courage and rise up immediately so that  temptation will not cause big damage to our prayer life.

Everyone who rise up fast from falling into temptation will come to know the ways to overcome it. We have to grow in the knowledge and strength of God so that we will have courage to say NO to every temptations coming our way .

Jesus is the only one who can teach us to overcome every temptations,we have to depend upon Him whenever we are going through temptations,He will surely help us if we ask HIM.

Date: 27: 10: 2019.

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