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Saturday, October 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ACTS 17:30 -- While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

God is always good and also very great because He was very patient with us when we were following ways of evil and comiting sins. 

When we were completely destroyed because of our ignorance and disobedience towards His Word, God came to our rescue and He showed His love and mercy towards us instead of judging us for our past ignorance and disobedience to His Word.

God always overlooks our past so that He can give us great future. God has always commanded us to repent but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we have truly repented for our past ignorance and disobedience and whether we have grown in faith, righteousness and holiness.

Sin is  turning our back to God and our face to sin in the same way repentance is turning our back to sin and turning our face towards God.

We need to understand that repentance doesn't happen overnight but in some cases it will take months, in some cases it will take years and for many of us it will take till the end of our life. 

When we are ignorant towards word of God surely we love to follow the World and do whatever others do without knowing whether it is right or wrong. We are very happy to commit sins and be in the company of sinful friends but when we repent most of us are ashamed because we are very much concerned about what others may speak about us.

We have to fix one thing in our mind that we are going to see Jesus face to face on the judgement day and not Our sinful friends. We need to make a choice today whether we on side of Jesus or sinful friends. Choice is ours as God has given us freewill.

Date: 26: 10: 2019.

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