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Saturday, October 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 Corinthians 1:5  - For just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ.

We are all going to go through suffering today or tomorrow according to the plan of God. When we are in the midst of suffering in our life the first thing we ask is WHY GOD THIS FOR ME? After a while when we move forward suffering becomes difficult to bear then we start asking WHERE ARE YOU GOD?. If we still persevere a little more and nothing seems to happen in our life then we may come to conclusion that GOD IS NOT THERE and we may also quit prayers.

We need to understand that God has allowed suffering in our life for our purification from our sins and grow in holiness. In midst of our suffering if we do not practice to obey God's Word then surely our suffering will become unbearable for us. When we are in the midst of suffering we run to retreats after retreats seeking solutions but God knows when to deliver us. 

In the midst of our suffering we need to seek God and His Word more than people so that God will talk to our heart and give us consolation.

In this world everyone has gone through different kinds of suffering, some small, some big, some biggest that is why the person who has suffered less cannot guide the person who has suffered more.

Only one we can depend upon is JESUS because He has gone through highest suffering and because of this He can guide us rightly.

Let us put our complete trust in Jesus because He is the only one who can uplift us from our suffering and give us consolation.

Date: 19:10:2019.

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