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Monday, October 14, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 6:15- but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

We are all in prayers from few days or few weeks or few months or few years and after being in prayer we have to examine ourself whether we have grown in forgiveness. If we have not then surely some sin in us or some bitterness of  is not allowing us to grow in forgiveness.

Forgiveness is very important to grow mature in faith because when we start our spiritual life a large number of people will be waiting to hurt us and persecute us if we are not able to forgive them then we instead of becoming better we will become bitter.

We have to fix in our mind that if we do not forgive others their wrongs no matter how many times we go for confession God will not forgive our wrongs.

We have to develop a mindset of forgiving people quickly not because we like it but because Jesus said it. If we are not able to forgive people for doing wrong it will be very difficult for us to move forward.

Many of us because of Unforgiveness in our heart we have stopped God from blessing us and also because of Unforgiveness many of us are living with sickness and others  in sorrow.

We need not pierce ourself with unwanted pain in our life because of Unforgiveness but forgive others and experience great peace and blessing of God.

Date: 14:10:2019.

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