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Friday, November 1, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 12:2-- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Most of us live according to the world by watching others and because of this we will be doing more wrongs than right.

Some of us are practicing fornication, some adultery, some homosexuality, some abortion,some black magic and many other things which is right according to the world and wrong according to the Word of God.

No matter who says what is right according to human standards, we do not have to be influenced by them and do the same.

If we do not know the Word of God it's easy to fall trap to all human made rights according to the world. When we are doing wrong and moving in that direction for long time surely it will bring great disaster in our life.

We have to get out of our wrongs and we have to start doing right according to the Word of God. When we start doing this God will lead us to repentance and help us to live a righteous life according to the Word of God.

When we start living according to the Word of God if we do not renew our mind then it is not possible for us to live according to the Word of God for long time. 

We have to ask God every day gift of discernment which will help us to identify every situation coming in our life is whether because of our mistakes or because of devil or whether it is coming from God.

We Should stop doing things on our own which we were doing before doing right or else our spiritual growth cannot grow into maturity. We have to develop our life in such a way that everything we say and do should be good, acceptable to God and perfect.

Date: 01-11-2019.

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