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Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 8:13-- The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

We are all have a prayer life from few days or few months or few years. It does not matter how long we are in prayers but what matters is after being long in prayers are we having reverence towards God and HIs Word. 

If we do not have reverence towards God and HIs Word then surely we will be praying without getting any benefits from the Lord which will help us to experience conversion of our soul.

Without experiencing conversion of our soul whatever we do when we are in prayers will all prove vanity one day.

If we do not have the desire to change our life from sin to Grace then we may land in the enemy's camp with pride and arrogance.

When a person is having pride and arrogance it is next to impossible to convince that person anything because that person thinks he knows everything and develop the attitude of arrogance towards others to keep them away from his life.

Many people after being in prayers for long have not given up perverted speech or indecent conversation with others and because of this they will not be able to change their life after being in prayers for long.

We have to understand that God doesn't like perverted speech and also those who have pride and Arrogance are not following God but devil.

Date: 05:11: 2019.

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