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Wednesday, November 13, 2019


It is good for us sometimes suffer contradiction, to be misjudged by men even though we do well and mean well.-- IMITATION OF CHRIST.

We are all having fellowship with one another either in church or any other prayer places. Through this fellowship we may associate and be close to some.

Out of these close people some rise against us with several contradiction,misunderstanding or misjudgment by listening to one side of the story about us narrated by someone to them.

People who act listening to one side of the story are displaying their foolishness. We have to understand that every wrong action of ours towards others will create a wound in them and because of this they have to suffer without doing any wrong.

People do all this because of bitterness in their heart and also some to gain attention of others. When we are regularly contradicting or misjudging or misunderstanding others our inner character is destroyed and because of this instead of loving others we actually start hating others. By hating others we are forcefully calling upon us sickness, pains and problems which will add more bitterness in our life

Jesus after doing good on this earth He was contradicted , misunderstood and misjudged by all the people who knew the Word of God in the same way we have to prepare ourselves to go through contradiction, misunderstanding or misjudgment people bring against us for the sake of Jesus. We will surely grow in Lord's strength and in future these types of incidents will not pain us because of growing in God's strength.

Date: 13: 11: 2019.

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