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Saturday, November 2, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JAMES 4:7- Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

We all have to submit to God's will if we have to lead a life of freedom. Submitting to God's will is a uphill task which everyone cannot undertake only because they do not know the Word of God.

Submitting to God's will requires our complete trust in God and His Word. We have to stop chasing our will and start submitting ourself to God's will.

When we start obeying the Word of God the devil will become more active to disturb our peace. Devil will use people close to us to accuse us, blame us and also persecute us so that we may stop obeying the Word of God. 

We have to have firm commitment to obey the Word of God rather than falling to the lies and deceit of the devil. We have to overcome every opposition evil one brings in our life through our silence and we need to resist the devil by speaking the Word of God again and again till the devil flees away from us.

Let us submit our life to God's will so that all good things will flow from the hand of God to us.

Date: 02: 11: 2019.

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