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Thursday, November 14, 2019


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 1:14-- Are not all angels spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

God's word clearly says that angels are sent by God to minister to us and also to serve us but the question we need to ask ourselves is how many of us know it.

We many a times in midst of our problems we break down thinking we are alone. Many of us do not know that God has given every one of us Guardian angel to enlighten us when we do not understand, to guide us when we are lost and also to protect us from all evil and His agents.

We have to ask help of angels and guardian angels in our daily life so that we may not think that we are alone but along with us angels and guardian angels are present. 

Angels and guardian angels do not work on their own but always wait for our instructions. Without we telling them they will not do nothing.

Let's from today ask help of angels and guardian angels in our difficult time and they will definitely obey and ask God the same and enlighten us or guide us or protect us according to what we ask them help.

When we take help of angels and guardian angels and walk forward then surely we will walk towards salvation. Salvation means 100% of everything we need on this earth to live a holy and righteous life ,along with that we will also attain eternal life after our journey on this earth comes to an end.

14: 11: 2019.

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