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Sunday, November 24, 2019


Word of God clearly says in DEUTERONOMY 28:2--all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the Lord your God:

We all go to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting. after going here for long time also most of us do not know the meaning of BLESSING OF GOD.

Blessing of GOD means favour and protection of God in our life. Favour means everything which we do not deserve but God has given us and protection from all dangers.

In today's world people think good health, good family, good children, good job, good bank balance is the blessings from God. But the truth is all this is not blessings but fruit of the blessings.

As per today's generation people think that they will be blessed by God only by going to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting  but the truth is we are going to be blessed by God only when we obey His Word.

When we disobey God's Word every easy situations in our life will become difficult and also impossible to overcome but when we start obeying God's Word then every impossible and difficult situations in our life will become easy for us to overcome.

We are called to chase God and His Word then surely blessings of God will chase us and also overtake us..

Let's not go to church or retreats or novenas or prayer meeting and listen to the word of God and get deceived instead let's learn to obey the word of God.

Date: 24-11- 2019.

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