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Sunday, November 3, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 10:11- “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Jesus is the only true shepherd we have who can lead us to the road of truth and life. Jesus loved us so much that He did not even think twice to sacrifice His life for us when we were enjoying sinful life.

In this world we follow priests or nuns or preacher or religious who will teach us the Word of God.

The work of every priest or nun or preacher or religious is to lead us to the good shepherd Jesus. Once they lead us to Jesus their work is complete and our work begins.

We have to learn to depend on Jesus for every small and big problems in our life. If we do not depend upon Jesus then surely we will be running behind different anointed people for our solutions. Once this becomes habit in our life then all our life we will depending on anointed people rather than Jesus.

Jesus is the only one who can teach us everything about kingdom of God perfectly and whatever we learn from Jesus remains in us for lifetime.

Depending on Jesus is not easy as we think initially it will be difficult but as we move forward it will become easy. Instead of depending upon100 people who give 100 messages which will confuse us it is better to depend upon Jesus who is great teacher.

Date: 03:11:2019.

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