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Saturday, November 30, 2019


Today you confess your sins and tomorrow you again commit the sins which you confessed.
One moment you resolve to be careful,and yet after an hour you act as though you made no resolution--IMITATION OF CHRIST.

We are all sinners that is why we have fallen short of the Glory of God. Most of us sin and we do not feel anything wrong in it because of the fruits of the flesh powerfully present in us. Some of us feel bad about our sins and we go for confessions regularly and we do not work on giving up sins but only handpicked few of us try our level best to give up sins and also avoid occasions of falling into sin.

We go for confessions regularly but do not work hard to identify the sins in our life so that we can work towards giving up that particular sin. But many of us don't even examine our life and see which sin is blocking our way which leads us towards God.

We go for confessions and after coming out we make resolution not to commit sins but after a while our flesh will again make us commit the same sins again.

Main reason of not giving up sins is we are not having hatred towards it and we are enjoying pleasure of sin. When we start living according to the Word of God then surely we will die to our selfishness and because of dying to our selfishness we are less drawn towards sin and more towards God and His Word.

We all have to examine our life and see whether we are strong in the flesh or in the Spirit. If we are strong in flesh then we will be cultivating sinful life no matter how often we go to church. If we are strong in Spirit then surely we will be cultivating holy life which will attract God towards us.

Let us make firm decision to live by the Spirit and enjoy God's presence rather than living by flesh and getting destroyed.

Date: 30:11: 2019.

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