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Friday, November 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PSALM 139:7-- Where can I go from your spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?

We all have gone astray from the Lord at one or the other time in our life and thought in our mind that we can live a sinful life hiding.

The truth is we can live a sinful life hiding from the people and fool them but it is impossible to hide from the Lord.

Lord is omnipresent that is why HE is present everywhere on this earth at the same time and He watches every action of ours and it is impossible to hide from the Lords Spirit or flee from His presence.

Many of us come to prayers because of some problems in our life or because of the sickness of our loved ones , after praying also if the  disaster strikes us or if we loose our loved ones we start questioning and rebelling against God because He didn't listen to our prayers.

Rebelling and going away from the Lord will bring in our life so many consequences and more problems.

We have to understand when we decide to walk away from the Lord then surely we will meet with the devil and his companions who will take us on the journey where they will steal all our blessings, kill our good values and destroy everything God has given us.

It's better to accept God's will and stay with Him rather than flee away from His presence and get destroyed.

Date: 22-11-2019.

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