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Sunday, November 10, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 24:17- Do not rejoice when your enemies fall, and do not let your heart be glad when they stumble

We all live with different kinds of people some are evil, some are unbelievers, some are lukewarm, some are gossipers, some are false accusers and some are believers. 

When we live in midst of all kinds of people in the same community surely there will be lots of misunderstanding, arguments and because of  this we make more enemies in our life than friends.

Most of us who do not know the Word of God will always expect something bad to happen to our enemies.

When something bad happens to our enemies as we expected many of us feel very happy to hear it. Many of us do not even feel ashamed to discuss what has happened to our enemies with others.

When we laugh at the downfall of our enemies we will not be profited by it. We have to  love our enemies as Jesus has said in His Word.

Let us love our enemies instead of praying for their downfall let us pray for their conversion of soul.

Let us love our enemies as God loved us when we were His enemies by living in the slavery of sin.

Date: 10: 11: 2019.

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