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Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 CHRONICLES 20:12- O our God, will you not execute judgment upon them? For we are powerless against this great multitude that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

We are all going through different kinds of problems or sickness or  disease in our life.

Everything which is  happening in our life will not happen without the knowledge and consent of God. God knows very clearly about our situation but the  question we need to ask ourself is whether our focus is on problems or on God.

If our focus is on problems we can be very sure to live a defeated life and if our focus is on God we can be sure of living a victorious life.

Devil and his army will come against us to afflict us with problems and sickness but after we are afflicted if our eyes are on Jesus surely we can overcome it.

we have to understand that every good, bad and ugly situations in our life is allowed by God for a purpose. Once that purpose is accomplished then surely God will restore everything which is lost and we will receive double portion as Job did.

If our focus is on problems we will be having fear, confusion, worry, anxiety , impatience and also depression. 

If our focus is on Jesus then we will be having Faith, conviction, confidence, peace, joy and single mindedness.

Choice is ours whether to focus on problems and make our problems worst or focus on Jesus and get solutions for our problems small or big.

Date: 27:11: 2019.

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