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Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 10:28-- Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 

We are going to prayers to different places for different reasons but the main reason people pray is because of their problems.

People who have small problems try to manage on their own and because of this habit when they fall into bigger problem they will be living in fear.

Fear is the result of our negligence to pray all the time whether we have problems or not. Many of us are scared of our parents, many of us are scared of our teachers,many of us are scared of our friends, many of us are scared of our relatives, many of us are scared of our spouse, and many of us are scared of our children.

No matter about which person we are scared that person can either damage our body with violence or at the most may kill our body only, after that nothing that person will be able to do with us.

We because of being busy in the world,we have lost our reverence towards the Lord and His power. When we go to church regularly and do not have reverence towards God that clearly shows our negligence about what is going to happen to our soul after our death.

Many  people who have lived a life of negligence have been either condemned to hell or purified in purgatory. This may look like illusion for many but God has revealed about hell and purgatory to many saints who have died and also to some who are alive in this world.

The purpose of revealing this is to make us understand that here on this earth we may undertake any kind of suffering because it's intensity is low and medium and it is not continuously but intensity of suffering in purgatory is higher and continuous, suffering in hell is the highest and continuous.

We should fear God more than any person or situation in this world because God can destroy our soul to either condemnation or purification.

Date: 06: 11: 2019.

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