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Thursday, November 21, 2019


Word of God clearly says in GALATIANS 6:7-- Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow. 

We all are going through different kinds of situations and the main reason for most of the situations in our life is because of the wrong seeds we have sown and the situation is the harvest.

We all speak about sickness with others when we are going through it and after sometime that same sickness becomes more because of what we have spoken.

Everything in our life will either happen good or bad according to what we speak. If we sow hatredness we cannot expect harvest of love or if we sow arrogance we cannot expect harvest of kindness or if we sow sickness we cannot expect harvest of health or if we sow abuse we cannot expect harvest of goodness.

Whatever we sow we will reap the same. God has given us freewill to choose to either speak His Word on daily basis and experience the harvest according to His Word or we can speak about the problems of our life and experience the harvest of problems according to what we have spoken.

God is not responsible for anything wrong happening in our life but we are solely responsible because we are the ones who have opened our mouth and spoken about the problems instead of speaking the solutions and we are the ones who have spoken about sickness instead of speaking the Word of God which brings health to our body.

We have to be alert all the time when we are speaking to others and be sure that we will speak about solutions and not about problems. 
Everyone we speak will be interested to listen about  our problems and walk away without doing anything to solve it.

Let us from today learn to speak to the problem by speaking the Word of God again and again till the problem is solved instead of speaking with others and making our problem big.

Date: 21:11:2019.

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