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Monday, November 18, 2019


Word of God clearly says in EPHESIANS 4:26-27-- Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil. 

We are all humans and we are all going through one or the other weaknesses and because of this, some get angry without any reason, some get angry for silly reasons, some get angry when they hear certain words and some get angry once in a while.

The main reason for our anger is the fruits of the flesh inside us and also our inability to manage certain situations.

When we are angry some stay angry for years, some stay angry for months, some stay angry for days ,only few stay angry for hours and very few stay angry for minutes.

We all because of anger have fallen trap to bad habits or vices or addictions or gossiping. Because of anger we are able to go to any level to vent it out. Because of 5 minutes of wrathful anger some are going through consequences  and many are in the prison from years for comiting crime because of anger. 

We need to understand that no matter for what reason we get angry with others we need to reconcile with them before the day is over or else we are giving opportunity to the devil to make our small problems big.

We also have to understand that if we living with anger daily, no matter how many times we go to church or retreats or prayer meetings or we say prayers at our houses we will not grow in God's righteousness.

Let us try to be silent when we listen to shouting or blaming or persecution or when we are ill treated by others for the sake of Jesus then surely because of our bearing of the pain anger will subside in us.

Let us also read and  apply the word of God in our life so that we may get out of the fruits of the flesh and grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

If we get angry also and if it is not our fault also let us try our best to reconcile before the sun goes down or else we will give opportunity to the devil to strike us.

Date: 18:11:2019.

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