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Friday, November 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in WISDOM 9:14- For the reasoning of mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail;

Reasoning is one of the biggest enemy of faith. Reasoning is done by connecting our soul and mind and because of this we start reasoning in our minds about the  solutions that is delayed or the problems that are building up in our life. 

When we start reasoning it is sure that we are going to miss the miracle. Our reasoning will always be based on what we see and not on what we want to see. 

By reasoning we will not get any Benefits out of it but it acts as a uprooter of our miracles which we were to receive from God.

Even we may be very good in prayers but if we reason in our mind we can be sure that we cannot grow mature in faith.

Faith demands from us courage,confidence and conviction so that there may be no place for reasoning in our life.

Because of reasoning many people's plans have failed . Many think
that they can pray and make God implement their plans. But the truth is God may do it for some but for most He may not do because God has great plans for them.

When we are reasoning and our plans fail then we will be thinking to implement plan B when plan A fails. But the truth is there is no plan A & B in the kingdom of God but only one plan for all. If the plan is not working then surely we are having lack of Faith.

If our plans fail then surely we should know that God has got bigger and better plan for us. 

Let us from today make decision not to reason in our minds and lose our miracles but allow God to work something better in our life.

Date: 29: 11: 2019.

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