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Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MALACHI 3:10-- Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing. 

In today's church people are not generous because they do not cultivate the habit of tithing and because of this many of the people's life are broken.

Tithe means 1/10 of our income. For example if we are earning 10,000 then per month  1000 goes to the Lord and 9000 for us. But the reality is even if we earn in lakhs we give hundreds and tens to the church or retreat center or ministry or any organization and rest we spend on ourselves.

By doing this for long time pests are going to attack our life in the form of sickness or fines or addictions and many more where all our money goes out of our hands.

God is asking us to put Him to test only in this scripture. We have to trust in the Lord and do tithing as He says so that He will open the Windows of heaven and give us everything we need the most at this hour.

When we do tithing we will be growing in generosity and because of our generous approach God will save us from falling trap to selfishness.

Let us from today make up our mind and give tithes every month so that work of our hands is blessed,our health is blessed and all other areas of our life is blessed by God.

Whatever God has said in His Word we have to obey and without judging the church or retreat center or ministry or any organization let us give cheerfully and not by compulsion.

Date: 20:11:2019.

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