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Thursday, November 7, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MARK 11:24-- So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

We all try to make lots of efforts in prayers to receive every good thing from the hands of God. We need to examine ourself and see whether we believe that we have received whatever we have asked in prayers before receiving it physically.

But the truth is only few believe that whatever they have asked in prayers they have received and because of this they will not lose their joy and peace.

On the other hand most of the people pray to receive every good thing from the hands of God but their mindset is first they want to receive and then they want to believe. 

If they do not receive whatever they ask on time then easily they lose their joy and peace, once they lose their joy and peace then immediately devil takes over their life and oppress them and because of this they fall into depression and despair and because of this many have committed suicide.

If we have to avoid all this dangers in our life first thing we need to do is to stop our reasoning mind and believe the Word of God . Secondly we need to cultivate a life of faith not only in church but also at our homes and thirdly we should not entertain thoughts coming from the devil against our belief.

Whatever God has said in His Word He will do for us HE will surely do but sometimes it will delay either because of blockages like Unforgiveness,curse and sin or because of our lack of faith.

Date: 07:11: 2019.

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