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Saturday, November 23, 2019


True peace of heart, then is found in resisting passions, not in satisfying them.
There is no peace for carnal man, in the man given to vain attractions,
But there is peace in the fervent and spiritual man.--IMITATION OF CHRIST.

Peace is one of the most important fruits of the Holy Spirit we need to cultivate in our life by being obedient to the Word of God in every good and bad situations of our life.

It is very easy to say to others to be at peace in their problems but it is difficult to maintain peace when we go through the same.

If our foundation is the Word of God we will not lose our peace easily but if our foundation is desires of the flesh and pleasures of the world then we will lose our peace easily. Once we lose our peace we are opening the door for devil to enter our life with his lies and deceit.

Enemy cannot defeat us in any battle if we keep our peace continuously. When we are going through failures we think we can live in peace when we are successful but the truth is peace doesn't depend on success or failure in the world but it depends on our confidence and complete trust in God's Word.

If we are carnal minded that is we know the truth and believe in it  but we do not obey and do what the truth says then surely we will not have peace in our life.  Only when we are spiritual minded that is we know the truth and believe in it and we will obey and do as the truth says then surely we will be in constant peace all the time. 

let us not lose our peace and fall trap to the plans of the enemy instead Let us be at peace so that all the plans of the enemy fails in our life.

Date:23: 11: 2019.

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