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Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4-- In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

god of this world that is devil has trapped so many people with different things so that their mind may not understand anything about the kingdom of God.

The main reason the devil keeps us in darkness is because of the threat he may face from us because of seeing the light of the gospel.

Most of the people in this world are kept in darkness by devil and his agents so that they may do everything of the kingdom of darkness and nothing of God's kingdom.

Many do not even know that they are in the kingdom of darkness and believe that they are on the right way not according to the Word of God but according to the world.

More time we are in darkness we develop a habit of doing everything as per the kingdom of darkness and we will not have any interest to know about kingdom of light because the devil has blinded our mind.

That is why in this world we see most of the people going through miseries because of being part of the kingdom of darkness. We have to understand that the moment you understand about Jesus and His ways and start following it with commitment the entire army of hell may come against us but they will not have victory over us because we have Jesus in us.

Let's be careful and alert when we type god instead of God we unknowingly glorify the devil. Let's know that God stands for Almighty God and god stands for devil.

Date:19: 11: 2019.

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