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Thursday, November 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 2:24- He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.

Jesus carried  our sins by getting flogged, scourging, slapped,spit upon, crowned with thorns, carried the cross, nailed on the cross and by dying on the cross.

But the question we need to ask ourself is whether we know all the pains Jesus went through for our sins or we Ignore and live a life of sin like unbelievers.

 If suffering comes our way with very less intensity than Jesus we start complaining, grumbling and also rebelling against God. When Jesus carried all the pains for our good then we also have to carry all the pains coming in our life for our purification from sins.

Jesus did all this act so that we may be free from sins and live a life doing right according to the Word of God. We instead of doing right we get influenced by the world and start doing wrongs and because of this many of us are battling with sickness or disease.

After battling with sickness or disease most of us believe that God is going to heal us which will never happen. According to the Word of God it clearly says we have been healed. If we have been healed then why many are sick still. The answer is most of them believe more in doctor and medicine without questioning or without asking proof but when it comes to believe God and His Word same people demand proof and also ask questions.

As long as our faith is in medicine and doctor God cannot work miracles but when our faith is in God and His Word surely God will heal us.

God can heal us either through medicine if we are having weak faith  and our soul is not well or supernaturally if our faith is strong and our soul is healthy.

Date: 28:11:2019.

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